The Columbia River Gorge...

A shared haven for outdoor adventures both in Washington and Oregon. This beautiful region is one of my favorites with the beautiful Columbia River Gorge Scenic Highway and what feels like endless waterfalls. This destination is also super popular during wildflower season where balsam root and lupine seem to cover the hills. Most of the photographs that I have taken here are from my old camera where most files seem to be lost. But below are some of my recent favorites. There are four established campgrounds here, Eagle Creek, Wyeth, Herman Creek (horse camp), and Eagle Creek Overlook (group camp) and 13 state parks! 57 trails totalling in over 218 miles of hiking opportunities.

First time visitors should definitely check out Multnomah Falls, the tallest waterfall in Oregon. As well as the gorgeous Rowena Crest, and the Vista House at Crown Point. This so much to see here and a lot of it is easily accessible.

FUN FACT: The Columbia River Gorge is the only place in the world where a mighty river crashes through an entire mountain range!

Explore the Columbia River Gorge:

Below are just general resources to help you find your next adventure. This is really just the tip of the iceberg but I hope it helps. The camping listed is really just general campgrounds although there is other options in the area that can be found with a google search and in several books!